

Be honest – when you wake up, the first thing you do is check your phone. Yes, the phone is ultimate case study for Pavlov’s dog study but instead of treats – we look for likes. Notifications. Overnight texts. What...

The Associated Press (AP) style is how journalists write stories. AP style has its own set of rules for everything from abbreviations to formal titles. It is meant to keep writing easy to read, concise and free of bias and...

Whenever one finds out they have added work to do on top of their ever-growing list of responsibilities, that’s just not fun. That was the initial reaction we all felt when we discussed revitalizing our website in the wake of...

As most people prepare for Thanksgiving dinners and holiday shopping lists, the world of PR professionals plug away event after event in the city of glitz and glamour.

Don’t get me wrong, we love the holidays and all of...

As a Las Vegas public relations agency, we have a great variety of travel and tourism clients and we love getting to be a part of their team.  We believe in our brands and enjoy getting to tell their stories.

As a Las Vegas public relations professional, it’s hard enough to cut through the noise to get your clients message heard and now the increase of fake news adds even more clutter. There’s a lot of buzz about fake news right...
Everyone loves good publicity and it’s no secret that people trust others’ opinions – including journalists – more than paid advertisements and marketing campaigns.

Brands can sing their own praises all day and barely move the needle, but one positive...